A wiki administrator can control access to a wiki by making it publicly or privately accessible.
If you make it publicly accessible, you can allow it to be viewed by anyone who can access the wiki server or only people who have a wiki server account. You can also allow pages to be created or edited by everyone with wiki server accounts or only specific people.
If you make a wiki privately accessible, you can allow particular individuals or groups to view your wiki content, and read or write content.
You can add users or groups as wiki administrators. Wiki administrators are allowed to read and write wiki content and change wiki settings.
You can restrict who is allowed to add comments: anyone, authenticated users (those with an account on the server), or no one. You can also enable comment moderation for all comments, or for anonymous comments. If you enable comment moderation, unmoderated comments aren't shown unless a wiki administrator approves them.
To view wiki permissions:
While viewing a wiki's settings, click Permissions.
To make a wiki publicly accessible:
While viewing the wiki's permissions settings, select "This wiki can be read and edited by anyone."
If you want to restrict access to only those with accounts on the server and require them to log in, select "Users must log in to read."
If you want to restrict content creation and editing to only those with accounts on the server, select "Users must log in to write."
If you want to allow everyone with accounts on the server to create or edit wiki content, select "All authenticated users can write."
If you want to restrict content creation and editing to specific people, select "Only the following users and groups can write."
In the Public field, enter the name of each person or group who you want to be able to view or edit the wiki.
When you enter a name, the server checks for matching people or groups. If a match is found, select the match from the menu that appears. If no match is found, make sure you entered the name correctly.
If you want to remove a person or group from the access list, hold the cursor over the name and click Delete (X).
Click Save.
To make a wiki privately accessible:
While viewing the wiki's permissions settings, select "This wiki can be read and edited by only the following users and groups."
In the Private field, enter the name of each person or group who you want to be able to view or edit the wiki.
When you enter a name, the server checks for matching people or groups. If a match is found, select the match from the menu that appears. If no match is found, make sure you entered the name correctly.
After adding a person or group to the access list, click the pop-up menu at the right of a name in the list and choose whether the person or group can read and write wiki content or only read wiki content.
If you want to remove a person or group from the access list, hold the cursor over the name and click Delete (X).
If you want the server to send an email notification to everyone with access to the wiki, select "Send welcome email to new members."
Click Save.
To make someone a wiki administrator:
While viewing the wiki's permissions settings, enter in the Admins field the name of each person or group who you want to be able to view or edit your wiki.
When you enter a name, the server checks for matching people or groups. If a match is found, select the match from the menu that appears. If no match is found, make sure you entered the name correctly.
If you want to remove a person or group from the admin list, hold the cursor over the name and click Delete (X).
Click Save.
To enable comments on a wiki:
While viewing the wiki's permissions settings, choose from the Comment pop-up menu who is allowed to add comments.
Click Save.
To enable comment moderation on a wiki:
While viewing the wiki's permissions settings, choose from the Comment Moderation pop-up menu which type of comments should be moderated.
Click Save.