If your server supports multiple host names and you're a server administrator, you can choose which host name your wiki responds to and whether it responds to multiple hostnames simultaneously.
For example, a server might support wikis at the urls www.example.com, wiki.example.com, and intranet.example.com. You can configure the wiki so it responds to any, all, or any combination of those URLs.
If you don't choose a specific host name for the wiki, all eligible host names are used.
To choose specific host names used by the wiki:
While editing a wiki's settings, click Advanced.
Choose "Specific host names" from the Virtual Hosts pop-up menu.
For every host name, enter it in the field.
If you want to remove a host name from the list, hold the cursor over the host name and click Delete (X).
You can't delete the virtual host you're currently using to access the wiki.
Click Save.