A specialized version of My Page loads when you view wiki tools on iPhone or iPod touch. This version keeps you apprised of the latest...
Today at 10:48 AM by
You can add comments to wiki pages or blog posts. By commenting on a page, you can give feedback on a page without editing the page's ...
Today at 10:48 AM by
You can easily add tags to wiki pages and blog posts.
When adding tags, be aware of what tags are used in your wiki because tags...
Today at 10:48 AM by
You can mark pages that you want to keep track of with a star. In the Updates pane of My Page, you can display updates to those pages ...
Today at 10:48 AM by
You can search for a text phrase in wikis or blogs. If you search while viewing My Page, you search all wikis and blogs. If you search...
Today at 10:48 AM by
When you view events in a group calendar, you see a list of locations, note excerpts, dates, and starting times of upcoming events wit...
Today at 10:48 AM by
When you view My Page on iPhone or iPod touch, you can easily view recently updated or created wiki and blog pages, access wikis and b...
Today at 10:48 AM by
Viewing wikis on iPhone or iPod touch is similar to viewing wikis on a desktop. You can use links to browse pages or perform text-base...
Today at 10:48 AM by
A specialized version of My Page loads when you view wiki tools on iPhone or iPod touch. This version keeps you apprised of the latest...
Today at 10:48 AM by