You can add comments to wiki pages or blog posts. By commenting on a page, you can give feedback on a page without editing the page's content. The text in your comment isn't searched when you use the search field. However, when you leave a comment on a page, the page is listed in My Page updates and everyone watching the wiki or blog can view your comment.
Depending on wiki or blog settings and your access level to the wiki or blog, you may not be able to comment on a page, or your comments might be moderated. When a comment awaits moderation, it is invisible until an administrator approves it.
If you're an administrator, you can remove anyone's comments. If you're not an administrator, you can remove only your own comments.
To view comments:
When viewing the blog, click the title of a blog post to view comments for that post.
If you're viewing the blog, you'll see a "Filter by Date" area at the right of the blog posts. If you're viewing a single post, you won't see "Filter by Date" and you'll see comments for the post.
To add a comment:
While viewing a wiki page or blog post, click "Add a new comment."
Enter your comment in the Comment field, and click "Save comment."
To remove a comment:
Hold the pointer over the comment and then click the Delete (X) link.
If the Delete (X) link doesn't appear, you can't delete the comment.
To moderate a comment:
Hold the pointer over the unmoderated comment and then do one of the following:
To accept the comment, click Accept (checkmark).
To delete the comment, click Delete (X).